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Simply Fish

Assorted Platy

Assorted Platy

Regular price $5.00
Regular price Sale price $5.00
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*** Please note live fish are temporarily pickup only from our Riccarton, Christchurch location. You will receive an email with our pickup times, if these do not work for you we will happily arrange another time! ***

Platies (Xiphophorus maculatus) are vibrant and peaceful freshwater fish that are popular choices for community aquariums. Here are key features and care guidelines for Platies:

Color and Varieties
Platies come in a variety of colors and patterns, including red, orange, yellow, blue, and many combinations. They may have different fin shapes, including wagtail, moon, and swordtail varieties.

Adult Platies typically reach a size of 6.4 to 7.6 cm.

Tank Setup
Provide a well-planted aquarium with open swimming spaces. Platies appreciate the presence of live plants, rocks, and hiding spots. Ensure a gentle filter to avoid strong currents.

Water Parameters
Platies are adaptable to a range of water conditions, but they prefer slightly alkaline to neutral water with a pH level between 7.0 and 8.0. Maintain a temperature range of 22-26°C.

Tank Size
A 38 liters tank or larger is suitable for a small group of Platies. They are social and thrive in groups.

Platies are omnivores and accept a variety of foods. Offer a balanced diet that includes high-quality flakes or pellets, supplemented with occasional live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, or bloodworms.

Platies are peaceful and get along well with other peaceful community fish. They can coexist with other livebearers like guppies and mollies. Avoid keeping them with aggressive or fin-nipping species.

Platies are livebearers, meaning they give birth to live fry instead of laying eggs. If you have both males and females, expect them to breed. Provide hiding spots or a breeding trap for pregnant females.

Aesthetic Appeal
Platies are known for their vibrant colors, making them an attractive addition to community aquariums. Their active swimming and social behavior add to the dynamic of the tank.

Platies are suitable for both beginner and experienced aquarium enthusiasts due to their hardiness and colorful nature. Providing a well-maintained environment with appropriate tank mates ensures a healthy and thriving community aquarium.

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