Mega Plant Pack - Perfect for Setting up Large Aquariums!
The Plant Pack includes 8 bunched plants and 3 potted plants. The total value of plants will be greater than $50 if bought individually.
Plants are randomly selected from what we have in stock. Our usual stock consists of the following plants:
-Star grass
-Dwarf sag
-Willow leaf
-Blue hygro
-Red hygro
-Twisted val
-Baby tears
-Cherry Leaf
-Red Ludwigia
-Duck Weed
-Rotala Rotundifolia
-Cryptocoryne wendtii
-Cryptocoryne balansae
-Cryptocoryne crispatula
-Cryptocoryne willisii
-Cryptocoryne undulata
-Cryptocoryne axelrodi
-Cryptocoryne petchii
-Rose sword
-Ozelot sword
-Amazon sword
-Red pine rotala
-Money wart
-Dwarf hairgrass
-Lobelia cardinalis
-Water rose
-Java moss
-Java fern
-Needle leaf java fern
-Indian fern
-Anubias barteri
-Anubias minima
-Dwarf rotala
-Baby tears
-Blue hygrophila
-Red hygrophila
-Hygrophila polysperma
-Twisted valsneria
-Dwarf rotala
-Dwarf sagittaria
Special Requests:
If you have any requests for specific plants etc, we will do our best to accomodate them. Please note we can not always accomodate every request due to high stock turnover and what is available at the time.
Shipping Info:
All our plants are shipped in water and in a solid plastic container. Shipping usually takes 2-3 days. Orders are shipped early in the week to minimise time sitting in the depot; however, most plants are safe for 5-7 days and we handpick healthy plants! Shipping can be combined with fish or products!